Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Chupinazo (opening day)

 It was a wet and wild one!
 Yes that is Matt behind the ballon!
 Dustin with the leap of faith
 The man and his beard
 Cream pie surprise to a local
 All is a days work in the morning
The boys and Hemmingway

Welcome back my friends......
Well today was the official opening of "The Running Of The Bulls." Its on.  After a car ride mostly downhill and at 140 KHM we made it into town in roughly 1:20.  We got our scarves and sashes first thing.  We found our spot in front of town hall and waited until 12 noon.  We had about an hour wait so there was lot of boob flash-age and spraying people with sangria.  There were a few scrums along the way as well.  People in the crown were digging on the Jesus beard and were taking pictures.  I should have charged a euro per picture!   Finally the blessing of the scarves happened and the crowd erupted.  We decided to head to the statue to jump off of and what a mistake that was.  We got caught up in the marching band and almost didn't make it through.  Finally we made it to the statue just in time t see a backflip from the top.  Matt was the first up on the statue and ripped a nice jump.  Matt wasn't satisfied with that jump and climbed the statue again for another try with better form.  His form was good, but there was a ballon in the way.  Dustin was persuaded to have a try and did a nice job.  He collided heads with a bystander but survived.  Myself and Jenny took video and picture of the whole event.  Someone had to do it.  Afterwards we headed to Hemmingway's statue and the bulls statue to take some snapshots.  After a long car ride home where we topped out at 160 KHM (downhill, of course) we made it back in time to pick up some San Miguel's and water.  After a shower to wash out the Sangria, beer, water, and what not, we felt better.  Now its time to get our eat on.  Pics to follow...

We all had fun riding the fake bulls.....

 Me and some dude I met at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao.  Wasn't much of a talker......
The creepy but kinda cool spider thing at the Guggenheim museum

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